TENDER ANNOUNCED by EPS for Execution of works on the construction of the Solar Power Plant-Spatial unit “Petka Landfill”, JN / 1000/0392/2021 (3129/2021)


The public company Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) has announced a tender for the construction of the Petka solar power plant, located on the Pozarevac-Kostolac road. It plans to build a solar power plant within the tailings dump from the Ćirikovac surface mine. The future Petka solar power plant is located on the left side of the Pozarevac-Kostolac road.

Petka is located on the road Požarevac-Kostolac and is a tailings dump from the surface mine Ćirikovac. The regional road P-103 passes nearby. Based on the available areas and the relief of the site, the areas on which the solar panels will be placed were selected. According to the optimal inverter configuration, 17,100 panels can be installed at the location in question. Panels with a power of 650 W and an efficiency of 20.9% were selected. Also, the fixed position of the panels was adopted, as well as the panels being placed at an angle of 20 ° in relation to the horizontal. It is planned that the solar panels will be placed in rows of different lengths, where one row will be formed of two rows of panels placed vertically.

If you need additional information regarding the method of installing solar panels, you can find more information here.

The deadline for submitting bids for the tender is February 8, 2022, and you can see more details about the required documentation here, as well as link for Documentation for tender, here.